It matches your interior decor.
Well , I guess it's why a lot of painting get sold. So before we roll out eyes, dismissing that as a reason to buy, it might be the very thing that starts a real appreciation. Sometimes that's as far a nd as deep as it goes, so if a customerwants a painting with pink in it, then I might steer them towards
In The Pink. Perhaps you want something light and airy, then I might point you in the direction of Rock Pool Summer or Paddling In The Shallows. Or maybe it's a fresh abstracted landscape, then
Not My Circus, which is part of a small series is exactly what you might love.
2. Buying a painting as a gift.
This can be quite tricky, although not impossible. I have been given three painting prints as presents. One is a popular poppy print that my son bought, that is timeless. A large Jack Vetriano print, given as a leaving present. And lastly one that I've mentioned in a previous blog, where I explained how this gift enspired me to paint. I still love all three, and the people who gave them to me.
So don't be shy about buying a piece of original art as a gift for someone. the recipient will love the fact that it is completely unique - no one will ever have one like it! Just think of the psychology in this. How would you feel if someone gave you a totally original present? I know I'd be thrilled.
3. A collector of emerging artists work.
If you are one of these delightfull people, then please feel free to get back to me and pop along to the studio, I be more than happy to have a conversation. If you live withing a reasonable distance from me, then we can try them on your wall first to see if they work.
4. To mark a specific occasion.
Maybe it's something your choosing as a couple, perhaps it's a special birthday, or wedding anniversary.
5. Spur of the moment.
You know the way this goes, you weren't looking for that 'thing', what ever it is! But suddenly you see this thing that you weren't looking for and BAM, you just have to have it. Those are the best presents, the ones that we get to choose for ourselves, for no reason other than we love the piece, and we deserve to to be surrounded by things that we love.
You can probably think of other reasons to own original art work, not forgetting that you might not like my art. But whatever your reason. please be assured that as a creator, I am very grateful.
Wishing you all well.
Lynn X